Thursday, May 08, 2008

"Take your Child to Work" Day

Today, the two oldest have gone with their daddy to work. They were pretty excited about it. 
CB Richard Ellis plans for the kids to participate and understand more what goes on in a commercial real estate sales/leasing/marketing office.
Here is the agenda for their day.  

8:00 -9:00  Registration/Welcome Reception 

Michele Ziegler will take their photo.  Children will gather in large conference room and make their name tags for the days events. 

Children will be told what group they will be in. Snacks will be provided during this time. 

9:00 -9:30 Executive Welcome –Real Estate 101 

Scott will speak about what we do at CBRE and give facts about the company. He will also explain the events 

for the day. (Churee and Renee will ask the kids random questions throughout the day about the company) 

9:30 -9:45  Break 

9:45 -11:00 Building Our Future -TCC Group 

TCC Group to explain construction process, assign each child a title for the day and construct the building they 

will be selling at the end of the day. (Kids will be given pretend money to buy supplies, materials, etc.) 

11:00 -11:10 Break 

11:10 -12:00 Property Tour -Building Tour with Howard Newsome 

12:00 -1:00 Lunch -Pizza lunch in the conference room for children and parents. 

1:00 -2:30 Marketing Your Property 

Children will rotate to each center below to create the marketing materials for their property.  Each professional 

will assist the children with the tasks. 

Mapping: assist children with creating a map for project

Building Photos: will take photos of buildings constructed during development project -edit the one they want to use

Amenities:assist children with what amenities their building will offer and prepare marketing list

Team: assist children with listing team members and titles as well as short bio on each child’s experience 

Certificates: certificates with child’s photo for awards ceremony 

2:30-2:45 Presentation Skills and Coaching 

Christi Griggs to coach each team on what they need to do duringtheir presentation to sell their 

property during sales presentation 

2:45 –3:00 Rehearse Sales Pitch 

3:00 Sales Presentation 

All employees and parents will gather in the conference room to hear each team present their 

properties for sale.  People will bid on the properties and eachteam will get a buyer from the audience. 

3:15 Awards Ceremony 

Each child will receive a gift bag and a certificate of Achievement for the Day.

It should be quite an experience! 
I look forward to hearing all about it. 
And it should be quite a bit slower & quieter here today. 
Well, maybe not since I am getting ready for a big garage sale this weekend. 
I'll  just have two less kids in the way as I organize. 

I just know it's a good thing I don't have to get up every morning and get 3 people out the door, fed & dressed & happy by 7AM! 

1 comment:

sullyssite said...

Thanks for the sweet note. I am enjoying blogspot, although I don't post as often as I'd like. Sounds like your kiddos had fun with their daddy and learned a bit too. Fun!
have a wonderful weekend!