Thursday, March 16, 2006

Chandler Elijah turns ONE!

Thursday, March 9th, 2006

We are grateful to God for our 4th born, Chandler. He has been a JOY and a blessing beyond what we could have imagined. Life is precious and we are humbled that God would grant us another little life we are responsible for raising and training for HIS glory.

Some things about our "baby"

C limber, Crawls VERY fast, Charming, Content
H appy, Huggable
A bsolutely Adorable
N ever likes to be left inside - if his siblings go outside
D efinitely a keeper, Determined
L ikes to kiss, Likes to say Uh-Oh,
E ager to be where the action is,
R isk taking (already!) & Ready to move


H appy & Huggable
E xtremely cute
I nto everything (so I hear!)
D efinitely a keeper
I s her parents pride & joy

I am looking forward to how much these two will change over the next year as their personalities develop even more.

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