Tuesday, November 04, 2008


I just got tagged by my friend, Jo, so I've got to come up with 7 random things off the top of my head, I guess! Here we go....

1) I just got back from voting. I think it's the toughest time I've ever had knowing who to vote for, both nationally & locally! But I'm glad God is sovereign and in control over it all.

2) I spent my teenage years growing up in southern California. Since leaving there over 10 years ago, I had lost touch with a lot of people. Thanks to facebook, I've found all kinds of old high school friends and it's pretty neat!

3) Our very next door neighbors also homeschool. They have 3 girls, & we have 3 boys so different activities take place in our backyards for sure! We are blessed with great neighbors though, and their last name is actually Neighbors. :-)

4) I wear a lot of brown. I need to expand my wardrobe colors. 

5) My sis & I have 3 1/2 year old boys who are just about 2 months apart, and now we are pregnant again at the same and will have babies about the same distance apart! 

6) My husband is working as an election official at the polls for 15 hours today. Exciting, eh?  He's the helpful happy person they need around a place like that.

7) I like to make all kinds of soup in the fall & "winter" (well, if you call what we have in Texas winter!) and I'm trying to decide what kind to make today.


Candice Hair said...

Hey! I love your randomness too! It's fun learning about people! You should make White Bean Chicken Chili. We LOVE it! With Frito chips and Sour Cream! Mmm Mmm Good!

jo said...

Yea! thanks for the 7 insights into your soul. I feel like I know you bettah! See yo usoon.

SevenPilgrims said...

Hey, Abs . . . thanks for stopping by my site the other day. This WAS a tough election and I'm having a time swallowing this bitter pill, though know that God has acted in complete goodness. Praise the Lord Prop. 8 passed here in CA! It was an ugly battle, sadly. Blessings to you, dear friend. So . . .what did you fix tonight? I made a yummy chili the other night. ~Jan